Friday, June 21, 2019

People empowerment and organizational effectiveness.

Business environment is highly volatile, ambiguous and competitive. These frequent changes in the business environment have forced organizations to evaluate their management systems more frequently to remain competitive in the business environment.
People/ employee empowerment is one of common and central theme in management and leadership practices that enable organization to become more competitive (Breeding, 2008). Generally, decision making of an organization is managerial responsibility. But in some cases due to this decision making process many important decisions get delay. Employee empowerment is a term which uses to express ways that non-managerial staff members can make decisions without consulting their management.
Empowering of people quicken the decision making process and many important decisions can be made on time for the betterment of organization.

Figure 1: Empowerment process

Source: (Dizgah et al., 2011)

Studies have revealed that empowered employees are committed, loyal and conscientious. Empowering make employees feel that they are valued. Everyone wishes to get admired. Also empowerment is a culmination of many ideas and tenets of employee satisfaction. Especially in industries where employees and customers directly interact, management could experience that empowered employees bring more business by making customer satisfied which convert customer satisfaction to greater profits (Hitt et al., 2001).

Table 1: Steps to empower employees
Source: (Randolph, 2000)
Identification of reason of empowerment
Normally upper management engages in empowerment process. It is their responsibility to identify the reason and associated benefits to handover decision making authority to lower levels of employees
Selection of employees to empower
While some employees wish to be empowered some are unwilling to have additional responsibilities. Organization authority should identify correct skilful employees who can make correct decisions and able to have additional responsibilities.
Provide required information
The management should provide necessary information on responsibilities, authority. Also employees should aware the performance criteria of additional responsibilities and rewards for their achievements. Other than that empowered employees should know organizations issues and some sensitive information which make employees to make most suitable decision.
Provide training to employees
Empowered employees should aware the basics of cost and revenue. Employees should make free to decide how clients are handled.
Inspire individual initiatives
An employee who inspired is highly productive resource. Hence management of the organization should take actions to motivate those employees through rewards. Hence empowering is a two way process both parties are benefited.


                                                             Figure 2: Dimensions of psychological empowerment
Table 2: Factors which drives organization towards employee empowerment

Source: (Baird & Wang, 2010)

Encourage creativity and innovation
-          Employees contribution is valued
-          Employees encourage to meet organization objectives
-          Have possibility to improve systems and process
-          Innovative and creative processes enhance the organization efficiency
Increase productivity
-          Empowered employees are productive since they are free to make decisions
-          Response time is less
-          Work as a part of self-managed teams
-          Hence improve organization productivity
Align both employees’ and organization goals
-          Empowered employees have clear view of organizational goals and strategies
-          Understand their role and value
-          Employees are satisfied and display enthusiasm towards the job
-          Hence both parties’ goals are aligned
Assist employee retention
-          Autonomy is given for employees
-          Feel secure on their jobs
-          Help to develop skills and knowledge
Quality of work
-          Employees feel empowered to deliver high quality work
-          Lesser the response time enhance the customer satisfaction
-          Empowerment philosophy enable company to give innovative service with high quality
-          Empowered employees take personal pride in their work and perform their job properly
-          Quality of service together with effectiveness leads to gain competitive advantage

All in all the practical issues of people empowering is also there that management of organizations hesitates to implement those practices. Other than that the organizations with flat structures do not tend to empower people and the decision making process is a solely a management responsibility. But employee empowerment is one of significant HRM practice which produces satisfied employees to the organizations where the effectiveness and organization performance is easily enhanced. As the human resource is most valuable asset of an organization, satisfied employees make organization more productive and efficient while enhancing customer satisfaction.


Baird, K. & Wang, H., 2010. "Employee empowerment: extent of adoption and influential factors. Personnel Review, 39.
Breeding, R., 2008. "Empowerment as a function of contextual self-understanding: The effect of work interest profiling on career decision, self-efficacy and work locus of control. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 51(2).
Chow, I., Low, S. & Hong, J., 2006. "The impact of development expects empowerment and organizational support on creating service staff performance. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 25, pp.478-95.
Dizgah, M.R., Mehrdad, G.C., Farzin, F. & Sajjad, S.K., 2011. Employee Empowerment and Organizational Effectiveness in the Executive Organizations. Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research , 1(9), pp.973-80.
Hitt, M.A., Bierman, L., Shimizu, K. & Kochar, R., 2001. Direct and moderating effects of human capital on strategy and performance in professional service firms: A source based perspective. Academy of Management Journal, 10(1), pp.13-28.
Randolph, W.A., 2000. Re-thinking empowerment: why is it so hard to achieve. Organizational Dynamics, 29(2), pp.94-107.



Figure 2: Dimensions of psychological empowerment
Source: (Chow et al., 2006)

Figure 2: Dimensions of psychological empowerment
Source: (Chow et al., 2006)


  1. Effective Empowerment in Organizations. Psychological empowerment is the perception that workers can help determine their own work roles, accomplish meaningful work, and influence important decisions. A half century of research suggests that empowerment strategies can offer real benefits.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Organizational effectiveness is critical to success in any economy. In order to achieve increased and sustainable business results, organizations need to execute strategy and engage employees

  4. Employee empowerment as an organisational programme involves providing a framework for the workforce to unleash, develop and utilize the skills and knowledge to the fullest extent possible. This is only possible in an empowered organisation characterized by the presence of an effective communication and delegation, flexibility and adaptability authentic organisational culture and above all a favorable empowerment climate.

  5. This is only possible in an empowered organisation characterized by the presence of an effective communication and delegation, flexibility and adaptability authentic organisational culture and above all a favorable empowerment climate.

  6. Representative strengthening is one of noteworthy HRM practice which produces fulfilled workers to the associations where the viability and association execution is effectively improved.

  7. Effective organisational effectiveness intervention is to ensure that the architecture is requisite and suitable to ensuring that the organisation and its people will be empowered to reach the organisation’s strategic goals. In fact, our key theoretical foundation, the Matrix of Working Relationships (MWR) or more commonly known as Levels of Work, stipulates several simple principles that ensure that every employee is provided with sufficient guidance, scope and freedom to achieve their KPAs.

  8. Effective Empowerment in Organizations. Psychological empowerment is the perception that workers can help determine their own work roles, accomplish meaningful work, and influence important decisions. ... A half century of research suggests that empowerment strategies can offer real benefits

  9. Empowered employees are loyal, committed and potentially more productive.

    When employees are given the tools and resources needed to successfully manage or lead their own projects, work toward their goals and drive their own career, the benefits are endless. ...

    Be more productive. 🌟🌟🌟

  10. When organizations adopt strategies that promote employee empowerment, they benefit through cost savings, improved employee relations and increased customer satisfaction. Employees gain opportunities for individual career development and a positive work culture that is responsive to their personal concerns

  11. The people empowerment in business context mean that given more authority to employees, use their skills to betterment of the company, given more opportunities to develop their strengths and skills. The employees motivated automatically by giving empowerment to them. Also increase the trust of employees and can manage the retention of staff by showing them to better future development.

  12. Empowerment allows employees to overcome the issues related to powerlessness and lack of knowledge and influence, and also to identify and effective usage of their resources. It creates a competitive advantage for an organization to remain in the top positions of the market, with the effective utilization of the power of an empowered workforce.



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