Monday, July 8, 2019


  Define Employee Turnover



     In contemporary business context, retain employees is a big challenge for any organization. As per Hom & Griffeth, 1994 a voluntary termination of an employee is recognized as employee turnover (Chaitra & Murthy, 2015). Further, employee turnover means the number of employees who leave the organization prior to end of their contract period with the organization (Loquercio et al., 2006)

 Types of Employee Turnover

There are different types of employee turnover and (Rajan, 2013) have classified employee turnover into five categories as follows

-        Voluntary and involuntary employee turnover 

-        Functional and dysfunctional employee turnover

-        Avoidable and unavoidable employee turnover

-        Internal and external employee turnover

-        Skilled and unskilled employee turnover 

  Factors Affecting On Employee Turnover Intention

      Different factors are affecting on employee turnover intention. Researchers found that the level of job satisfaction, salary level, coworker relationship, organizational commitment, lack of career progression, promotional system, rewarding system and work environment have direct and indirect influence on employee turnover intention.


  Pros and Cons of the Employee Turnover

Employee turnover generate costs as well as benefits as follows, 

(Ongori, 2007; Akinyomi, 2016; Iqbal, 2010)


Akinyomi, O.J., 2016. Labour Turnover : Causes, Consequences and Prevention. Fountain University Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 5(1), pp.105-12.
Chaitra, M.P. & Murthy, T.P.R., 2015. A Study on Employee Turnover (With special reference to Go Go International Pvt Limited, Hassan, Karnataka, India). International Journal of Research in Management, 2(5).
Commercial Bank , 2015, 2016, 2017. Annual Repor. Commercial Bank.
Iqbal, A., 2010. Employee Turnover : Causeed, Consequences and Retention Strategies in the Saudi Organization. The Business Review, Cambridge, 16(2).
Islam, M. & Rahman, T., 2016. Relationship between Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention among Bank Employees: A Study on Selected Banks of Bangladesh. Scholar Journal of Business and Social Science, 2(1), pp.7-18.
Lee, C.-C., Huang, S.-H. & Zhao, C.-Y., n.d. A Study on Factors Affecting Turnover Intention of Hotel Employees. Asian Economic and Financial Review, 2(7), pp.866-75.
Loquercio, D., Hammersley, M. & Emmens, B., 2006. Understanding and Adressing Staff Turnover in Humanitarian Agencies. Humanitarian Practice Network (HPN) at ODI.
Ongori, H., 2007. A review of the literature on employee turnover. African Journal of Business Management, pp.49-54.
Rajan, D., 2013. Impact of Nurses Turnover on Organization Performance. Afro Asian Journal of Social Sciences, 4(4).



  1. Effects of Labor Turnover. There are significant effects of high turnover. It costs a company money to deal with turnover. Every time they have to spend resources on recruiting, hiring and training a new employee, they are paying money or losing the opportunity to make more money.

  2. According to you which are the best methods to reduce employee turnover?

    1. Performance appraisal will me very much effective,if it conducted according to the right manner

  3. Employee turnover refers the environment in the organization is what level of helps to employees satisfaction. also this directly impact to performance of the company. Therefore companies pay their higher attention of minimize the employee turnover and keep the higher level of retention.



  Define Employee Turnover          In contemporary business context, retain employees is a big challenge fo...